Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Final Post (For Now): Diverted Money and the November Revolution: June 8 Meeting, 2009

No. 20 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

Forget what I said about things moving in a positive direction in a previous post. I was wrong, and I'm not surprised. Apparently some information I got came from a Comrade who has bought into the Central Committee's New Five Year Plan, and this Comrade may also be happy to see his own city's Carson City Convention and Visitor's Politburo gaining power, so he told me it was a good meeting.

I guess a good Comrade would see the November Revolution that way. Kurensky is gone, it's November and Lenin's on the scene.


In stream of consciousness format... for more structured notes please see the Gold Hill Historical Society Website... BUT YOU'LL MISS THE FIREWORKS

Now just to avoid any suspense, about three-quarters of the way through I get so totally disgusted that I quit. While I reserve the right to never say never and post occasional thoughts on this blog, I will no longer waste my time watching these ignorant bureacrats suck up the tax dollars. This was a pretty scary meeting, if you actually read this whole post then I am impressed. Have fun!

-- Bonnie Weber usually comes to these meetings late. Following the saying, "better never than late" she just didn't show up to this meeting of the Nevada Commission to Reconstruct the Virginia and Truckee Railway.

-- Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell made a funny amendment to the minutes from the mid-May budget meeting. The minutes said he "made a notion" and he amended it to "made a motion."

(Be sure to read the full post to see where the Commission may make a big left turn at Albequerque!)

This confirms (former Chairman) Bob Hadfield's (false) claim that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA/stimulus/porkulus) money going to the Commission were the first construction project in Nevada funded by pork-, I mean, stimulus money. Hadfield made a point of clarifying that it was not the very first stimulus money, but instead the first "construction" project funded by stimulus money.

But according to NDOT officials that's not true, there are already road projects out to bid under ARRA. But since Hadfield continues the claim, I was correctly quoting him during my call to the Rush Limbaugh show.

-- Maybe we do need a new Chairman. Bob Hadfield continues to handle public comment differently from the process outlined in the meeting agenda. The agenda says:

  • PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDIZED AND NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS: Discussion may be limited to three minutes per person at the discretion of the Chairman. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this portion of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action may be taken.

So this means ALL comments are to be heard at the beginning of the meeting. I take credit for this change. In most public meetings, as in past V&T meetings, the public would comment ONLY on NON-AGENDIZED items at the beginning of the meeting. Under Nevada Open Meeting Law, this means comments on AGENDIZED items can be made as each item comes up.

At a meeting last year, after a Janice Ayres rant, Bob Hadfield broke Nevada Law by preventing me from making a comment on Janice's nonsensical claims. That's another story, but rather than file a formal protest, I agreed with the AG that they would simply let Bob know he broke the law.

So, because they didn't like my comments, at that time the Commission adopted the change and required ALL COMMENTS to be made in a three-minute period at the beginning of the meeting.

Despite language in the agenda saying this, Bob asked for comment on non-agendized items and indicated that the public could comment on agendized items as they came up.

-- There was no update in the Treasurer's report since the Mid-May budget meeting. It's still unclear to me why they took a loan for $500,000 to buy a $420,000 locomotive, and then reserved $80,000 for the first years payments of principal and interest that cost less than $20,000 a year. It's still an open question where the other $60,000 went.

-- H&H fixed the switch at Donovan siding, Ken Dorr said some parts were put on backwards on a switch. The Gold Hill crossing was updated to accomodate a hi-rail vehicle to avoid dealing with the Virginia and Truckee Railroad.

-- There were rail mismatches on previous H&H work, according to Ken Dorr. Dorr noted that the Commission paid H&H extra money to bring the rail matches up to Class III standards. So now this tourist railroad can accomodate a coal train, I guess. It's just my opinion, I've never had anything construction related to criticize Ken Dorr about, it's the Commissions decision to overbuild this railroad. They will only need to run at Class I speeds of 15 MPH, they are building the railroad to Class II standards, supposedly because that's the only standard NDOT has to judge by. Here they are paying extra to meet Class III standards on a Class II railroad.

There's a famous quote from a project consultant, "It tourism, not interstate commerce." Tell it to the Commission, and they wonder why the next phase of track is costing well over $1 million per mile.

-- Dorr noted he expected FHWA to release the next $3 million of pork, oh, I mean stimulus so the next phase (3A) can be bid out on June 11, 2009.

-- They are working on getting the Carson River Canyon engineering ready for the next round of stimulus funding. Unlike nearly every other public project, they do not yet own all the needed right of way.

-- Ken Dorr identified a piece of property on the way to Drako Way that "there's a significant right-of-way acquisition cost over and above what is going to be required on the first two parcels. We don't know exactly what that is but we'll have a little better handle on that shortly."

Gee, and the meeting was going so well. This is what happens when government project do not acquire all the right of way up front. In this case, the Commission would acquire a piece of land and immediately start laying track. In the short term it gives them a sense of completion and something to brag about.

In the long term, it makes the project more expensive by a large factor. More importantly, it makes it so a total budget cannot be given. This works in their favor politically, so over time they raise the project costs instead of socking it to the voters all at once.

Just to repeat myself, the statement above is a key piece of evidence showing THE COMMISSION STILL HAS NO SOLID IDEA WHAT THE PROJECT WILL COST! "Trust me, I'm a politician" is going to get old, fast!

-- Now it really gets interseting. Just after 27 minutes into the meeting (for those watching on, June 8, 2009 meeting), Dorr suggests an item for the Commission to take action on.


Because of some huge land cost on the way to the Drako Way terminal, because of the unknown costs of land and depending on whether the project gets significant funding...

Dorr suggests that a balloon (turnaround) track be built at the future end of track in the Carson River Canyon. He also suggests a balloon track and temporary station be built off the small airport/Flint Drive access to the tracks just south of where the tracks cross highway 50. He then suggests that operations could leave the temporary station near the water tank, go down to the Canyon, return to the station of possibly continue up to Gold Hill!


I have to remind you of a little history here. Way back when this project started, they had to ask the question, which end do we start building at? The Gold Hill end or the Carson City end? I am told they started building at the Gold Hill end because the Gray's (REAL) Virginia and Truckee Railroad was the chosen operator. After much water under the bridge and the false starts the Commission is famous for, they now are looking at focusing operations on the Carson City end of the line from a temporary station off Flint Road.

IF they had been smart in the first place they would have acquired all the right of way when it was cheaper, back in the 1990's. Of course, there's a lot of history packed into that statement, because it assumes the Commission could have met the fundraising promises they made back in 1993, which they never did. So in this alternate Bizarro-world, Ron Allen's and Mayor Marvs and Janice Ayres claims would have actually meant something, they would have raised money, gotten the state matching grant that was offered until 2003, bought the right of way all the way from Carson City to Gold Hill AND THEN....

and then made a choice of operators and a decision about which end to start building from. As it is, if operations are as Ken Dorr proposes, where the train runs from Flint Drive (actually near the water tank well east of Flint Drive), runs down the canyon, then MAYBE back up to Gold Hill, they will indeed be in direct competition with the private Virginia and Truckee Railroad that has made tens of thousands of happy tourists lo these last 34 years WITHOUT A SINGLE DIME OF TAXPAYER MONEY!

These are the people we want running the banks and automakers! Well I guess it's consistent to have people who don't understand railroad operations running a train, when we just saw a guy "is going to learn about cars" installed as the Chairman of Government Motors, why should we expect the railroad reconstruction Commission to make up their mind in advance?

Dorr wraps up his project-changing proposal by saying that they don't have the environmental planning (EIR) done for the Drako Way site, and somehow presents this as a reason to add two turnaround tracks and a new station that have not appeared on any project maps to this date. Granted, the original plan back in 1993 envisioned a station at Mound House, NV. This idea was vociferously suppressed as recently as 2008 by former Chairman Bob Hadfield. However, once the Commission lost the 2008 sales tax increase vote in the local Carson City election, they started to make noises that they might be broke for some time, and talked of running trains from Mound House to Gold Hill, keeping the emphasis on the Gold Hill/Virginia City end of things.

Because the powers that be in Carson City liked punishing Lyon County (where Mound House is located) for contributing very little funding, the more recent plan was to convert the building at Drako Way into a station, have passengers show up there, board a bus for the TWO MILE trip to Mound House where they would board the train. I was told at the time that an actual station in Mound House was not feasible because the EIR didn't exist. Now Ken Dorr is telling us the EIR for the Drako Way terminal doesn't exist.

Nowhere in any of this does anyone discuss how nice it would have been back in 1993 to run the line to "downtown" Carson City. By now the City has developed to the point where this is impossible, so no matter what the final plan, the terminal for the railroad will be nowhere near the tourist center of Carson City.

I warned you this was stream of consciousness, right? It's a blog post, not a college thesis, so forgive me if this post meanders a bit. Just for fun, before we get back to the meeting, let's remember that somewhere out there is also a plan to build a Chinese Cultural Center near the V&T Recon station to honor the Chinese culture and the Chinese miners and railroad workers of the Comstock era. There were even officials from China who visited the site and said how great the Chinese Museum would be. These museum planners have not been heard from for some time. For a glimpse into another underfunded boondoggle project that probably won't break ground for another decade, see this Nevada Appeal article on the Chinese Workers Museum. Note where former Carson City Mayor Marv Teixeira says the Chinese government will have to pay for the museum, to be built in "far-east" Carson City next to the now vaporware V&T depot.

OK, back to the meeting...

Before anyone gets the idea that Ken Dorr is proposing a staggering change in the scope of his project on his own, Bob Hadfield jumps in. He explains that he asked Ken to make the proposal. He then goes on to say that because of various funding that may come available, he felt they needed flexibility to break the project into segments and have realistic cost estimates to provide to the delegation in Washington, DC. Well, I have to give him credit for admitting that the Commission has been working all these years without realistic cost estimates!

I might also note that on the agenda, this sweeping proposal to expand the scope of the project, to change the nature of the project, was put on the agenda as a "Manhard Consulting Contract Amendment!" This might pass the legal test but it doesn't pass the smell test. It might not even pass the legal test, so I will be contacting the Attorney General's office to complain that the scope of this item was not adequately explained in the agenda.

Hadfield opened the subject up for discussion among the Commissioners. I have to wonder how many of them knew this was coming. We'll see, as I start watching the meeting again at 32:26.

Bob Crowell immediately lost points in my book by saying, "you did the right thing." Soon to be appointed Chairman Dwight Millard asked about the funding source. Hadfield said it came out of current funding. Funny, this was not mentioned at the mid-May budget meeting.

Then Hadfield did something truly scary. He referred to the proposed funding to do the engineering to remake the whole project an "investment!" Hadfield then echoed Ken Dorr by characterizing the right-of-way acquisition to get to Drako way as such an unknown that they may have to go with this option instead. If you ever want to know how our government got so screwed up you just have to watch these guys in action.

More steam-of-consciousness historic recollections: At a meeting early in 2008 I heard the Commission say something that led me to believe they had no idea what the project was going to cost. I was much more naive about this project back then and got up to ask, "did I just hear you right that you don't know how much this project is going to cost?" Hadfield asked me if I was in the construction business and lectured me that you can't know project costs down to the dollars and cents.

What I came to understand, what is clearly being reiterated today, is that the Commission doesn't understand the costs down to the nearest ten million dollars! Or, for those who voted for Obama, they don't understand the project costs to the nearest billion pennies.

Hadfield then said that making massive changes to the scope of the project will be a "marvelous" way to show the public how great the project is by having trains be able to operate. This makes little sense if you assume they will run trains up to Gold Hill, because they are not planning a balloon track (or turnaround) in Gold Hill. They are planning places to turn trains around in the Carson River Canyon and south of Highway 50 east of Flint Road at a temporary station.

This doesn't make any sense unless the plan is now to simply run trains back and forth from the canyon to the temporary station, as Ken Dorr stated in his presentation. If the trains were going to run up and down to Gold Hill without changing direction, they could easily run a couple-few extra miles past the brothels into the canyon and back. No, IMHO, it looks like they now want to sell the project in Washington as the "middle of the Carson River Canyon to a field east of a small airport near a water tank east of Flint Drive Railroad." So now, IMHO, we are beginning to see a modern abandonment of the Virginia and Truckee Railway government boondoggle project in favor of the "MCRC & FESANWTEFD RR." For those of you in Rio Linda, we'll call it the Field to Canyon and Back Railroad, or the "FC&BRR."

Millard then asks a non-clarifying clarifying question that was pretty much irrelevant. Hadfield is going to press his case. What was worrying in Millard's question was his expression that the Carson River Canyon and Drako Way extension plus the Drako Way depot only represents "millions" whereas that grand part of the boondoggle probably represents $12-17 million. Oh, well, this is what we get when representative democracy is then allowed to appoint unelected members of a board with the power to petition the federal government for tens of millions of dollars when they don't have a fixed idea where they are going with the project. This is what we get for putting people in Washington who would be willing to take money from the taxpayers in Pennsylvania, Texas and Arkansas and give it to this poorly planned Northern Nevada Pork Project. Hadfield is a true believer...

At roughly 37 minutes into the ACCTV video, Hadfield argues that all existing engineering should be done, plus the addition of the "temporary station" and two never before disclosed balloon tracks, so he can be penny-wise and not pound-foolish. He refers to the EIRs and engineering of these two balloon tracks as "something a future commission down the road would have to do anyway" and argues that doing it now will save a future commission the trouble. He says it will be a way to "request funding with a specific plan."

Again, Bob, thanks for admitting after all this time that you didn't have a specific plan! We've been saying this all along, but you sound so much better saying it!

Since this radical expansion of the project scope is inevitable, it's funny how it was never brought up in the last fifteen years and wasn't clearly put on the agenda for the public to see. Please enjoy this post, because this project has gotten so disgusting on such a large scale, and so few people are willing to do anything about it, that I will retire from following the commission when I finish this post.

At 37:20 Bob Hadfield says he wants to do these cost estimates now so he isn't accused in the future of having said something would cost $10 million and have it cost $15 million. He concludes, "I just wanna get this over with and throw real numbers out." Yes, REAL NUMBERS would be a huge change!

Ken Dorr then makes an argument that the Carson River Canyon and Drako Way Extension/Depot engineering should be done in case he and others "win the lottery and go away." He says he wants to get that work "in logical order" and then explains that the work is scattered "in various computers in various sorts of completion." No comment. He finished his comment by saying he wants to do the work to be able to "shelve those plans." WOW. I mean, like, WOW. Did I already tell you the scope of the project was being changed right under your noses. That's what that smell is, it's not your dinner burning.

Millard (I think, it wasn't on camera) then asks, wasn't that in the previous amendment to your contract, Mr. Dorr?

Now I thought this meeting was already amazing. I thought what was already being discussed was a revolution, plain and simple. I wasn't ready to be floored, because I was already on the floor. So what Dorr said next has left me numb. I will quote him exactly, then I will analyze what he said. Then you decide.

Dorr said, "Well it was, Dwight, and what happened was with the previous amendment with Bob's (Hadfield's) approval we made the modification of the scope to proceed beyond the 60% plans for Phase 3A, 3B, to be able to take advantage of the potential stimulus funding. So we basically rolled into the 90% level on and the funds for Phase 3C and Phase 4 were diverted to the stimulus plan preparation package way back in last November." He said this with a straight face.

With a similarly straight face, Hadfield said, "and we got 3 million dollars because of it."

John Tyson must be in on the deal, because he spoke up, saying he had a problem with Phase 3C and Phase 4, because they are so far in the future. He said they can't take extra money now and put it to better purposes.

I have to remind you that just three weeks before, Hadfield said they could get another $20 million and finish the whole project. That presumably included Phase 3C to get through the Carson River Canyon, and Phase 4, to get to the Drako way depot and build out the depot. Do you see why I call this a revolution? Tyson is clothing his argument by saying, let's not spend the money to finish the engineering on Phase 3C and 4, let's do something tangible now. But that's what Hadfield and Dorr are proposing, to engineer new turnaround balloon tracks and make the FC&BRR.

Ron Allen jumped in to provide a defense. He and Tyson are usually on the same page so it's hard to believe they aren't arguing for the same thing. Allen says, "let's leave this as a package deal and get it done." But they aren't "leaving" anything, they are making a new package deal.

John then says "let me play the devil's advocate for a second, please. Suppose we have to eminent domain (a new verb!) the rest of the right of way, what's that going to cost?" ANSWER: The same as if you brokered a fair deal with the landowners. Whether by eminent domain or by negotiation, you will have to pay the "highest and best use" price for that land. Either way it will cost roughly the same, so Tyson is playing devil's advocate for a false choice.

Tyson goes on (and on) but along the way he mentions, "with money being as tight as it is, and with so many contingencies we haven't dealt with yet..." At least we're getting a little more fresh and new honesty from the Commissioners that they have had little clue what the total project costs and operational plans will be. This is a classic government bait and switch, where they present a sudden crisis and force a radical decision. Since I am watching this for the first time as I write this, I don't yet know how this will turn out.

Ken Dorr has never been turned down on an engineering contract. Because Ken (like project attorney Mike Rowe) is providing a "professional service," Nevada law doesn't require competitive bidding on these contracts. We not not seeing a Commission considering several options from various vendors, we are seeing the guy who's really been in charge all along making a sweeping revolutionary proposal under the guise of an under-noticed contract amendment. Perhaps I'm wrong but I predict Ken will get his amendment approved. This has happened time and time again where after endless debate and triangulation, the yes vote happens.

To give Tyson a little credit, he does appear to be suggesting that the land acquistion be handled before the engineering work is done. ALL THE LAND ACQUISITION SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE YEARS AND YEARS AGO! Too little too late, Tyson.

Let's see how this turns out... I am leaving most of the rest of the discussion out, to see it for yourself watch the video from 42 minutes on.

Oh, wait, at 43:39 there IS NO MORE DISCUSSION BY THE COMMISSION! They either already have their minds made up or don't realize what's happening right under their noses. Which is it?


Hadfield opened the topic up for public comment. I really expected at least couple people in the room to get up and talk against the new balloon tracks, the radical redifinition of this project. Perhaps because they are from Carson City, they see this as a good thing! Perhaps they were hypnotized by Ken Dorr and Bob Hadfield's lilting voice? Perhaps the oxygen level in the room was temporarily low and they were numbly sitting there without realizing THIS IS THE TIME TO SAY SOMETHING, to get an objection on the record, TO POINT OUT THAT AFTER THE COMMISSION VOTED ON HOW ENGINEERING FUNDS WERE TO BE HANDLED THAT Ken Dorr and Bob Hadfield diverted those funds to other purposes?

To the people I see sitting in the audience, who attend meeting after meeting, complain, complain and complain, NOT ONE OF YOU GOT UP TO POINT OUT WHAT'S GOING ON! I freaking give up! Hadfield said "Seeing none," and closed the public comment period.

Again, being stream of consciousness, I feel OK throwing this in. Before Dorr admitted that he and Hadfield diverted funds that had been allocated by a Commission vote on a written contract, Bob Crowell said, "you did the right thing" to Bob Hadfield. So Crowell is in on the revolution, Hadfield's in on it, Ron Allen's in on it, Tyson may or may not be but as he is so fond of saying, "I'm only one vote." I hope the suspense is building to see how this turns out. It's about time to make a motion.

I think I've already made it clear that they are about to vote on a radical redefinition of the project, and so far Larry McPhereson, Bonnie Weber, John Flanagan and the new Douglas County rep Johnson have nothing to say. Hadfield hatched this whole scheme, Allen and Crowell have supported it, Millard has questioned it but seems mollified and Tyson has given a disguised protest. Tyson often speaks against an idea and then says, "I have no choice but to vote yes for this."

So how does it come out? Before the motion is made, Johnson asks what for him is a clarifying question. He asked, if we do approve the engineering for Phase 3C and 4 that does give us a better chance at future stimulus funding, is that correct? He is told yes.

Well, we see where this new guy is coming from, at least he's honest. Instead of pretending for year to be focused on private fundraising only to take federal dollars, his only question is to take federal dollars straight out of the chute. He's probably a nice guy, I have never met him, but yikes.

Hadfield says, "it does that but it also gives us something we can give to our Congressional delegation to finish this project and if nothing else to get it into the Highway Reauthorization Act."

Double yikes! But I thought the Northern Nevad Railway Foundation was going to sell t-shirts in August! And apply for grants they won't get fifteen years too late. (Hey, did I mention they're going to build a Chinese Worker's Museum with Chinese government dollars?)

Ron Allen makes the motion to approve the amendment to the Manhard consulting contract "as outlined."

There was no further discussion, everyone but Tyson said "Aye" and since he wasn't a swing vote Tyson was free to vote no. A real politician would have jumped ahead in line and tried to table the motion so he could do some behind the scenes work. Can we believe Tyson wasn't ready for this, and therefore couldn't have asked some better questions?

Well, I shouldn't give him such a hard time, at least he voted no. The rest of the pack really deserves the blame.


Millard brought up the idea of the "disposition" of the McCloud #18. Millard has previously spoken of selling the #18 and getting out of the operation business altogether. I don't think this is in the cards. Millard does mention making the #18 available to the REAL Virginia and Truckee Railroad on the same terms as it was made available to Sierra Railroad. Let's see if this goes anywhere...

Overall the decision is delayed until the July 10 workshop, which is cutting it a little close for getting it shipped up here from California for an August event. Hadfield suggested putting it off until the July 10 workshop, and mentioned that they could discuss the FRSL #8 (under Tyson's care in Gold Hill) at that time.

Tyson then dropped a bomb. He said he was very interested in getting the #18 to Nevada because "I haven't even seen it yet." I may have my history wrong, but I thought Tyson and Allen were part of the "operations committee" that chose to buy the #18 in the first place! A year ago, Steve Saylor's wife Johnnie made a public comment to the effect that Tyson and Allen never went to McCloud to personally inspect the #18, and Tyson's comment at the time seems to confirm that. At the time Mrs. Saylor got a dirty look from a dismissive Bob Hadfield who basically said, "and so?" In fact the whole operations committee was the previous effort by Tyson and Allen to assemble a 1:1 scale model train set on the Commission's dime, and that effort had previously been stamped out by Teixeira and Hadfield AFTER they bought the wildlife condos/birdcages that are not rotting in Portola. But that's old revolutionary history, we're taking about Bolsheviks now, not Mensheviks. Kursensy is gone, Lenin is the big thing now! It's November!

Comrade Millard agrees to put the issue off to the workshop. Comrade Hadfield asks if there's more Comment from the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. No more Comrade Comments, so Comrade Tyson makes a dictat, er, motion and the matter is delayed.


It's a one-liner: the Carson City Convention and Visitors Politburo, who has even less knowledge about trains than Bonnie Weber, will be assigned the right to operate the Central Committee's track and then apply the same five-year plan to any potential operators. The Carson City Convention and Visitor's Politburo doesn't have as many enemies as the Central Committee, so it hopes to manage the Proletariat in a better way for the good of the state.

Comrade Candy Duncan is holding a CCCVP meeting directly after the Central Committee meeting, and her excellence and lack of railroad knowledge will advance the goals of the state.

AND AT THIS POINT my connection to the ACCTV server glitched out and the video cut off. I don't know what happened and I don't care. Marx was right ... for now, and that's all I have to say.

"Be Seeing You,"

Your Comrade, Jim "Vladimir" Lohski

Postscript: If you thought that was scary, here's the real scary part. What are they really up to? They are probably repackaging the project in such a way to get the funding and then go back to their original plan. There probably is no real plan to ever build the balloon tracks, it's just a facade to get funding. Welcome to the United Soviet States of America!

Welcome Chairman Millard to V&T Reconstruction Commission

No. 19 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

Here's a link to a Nevada Appeal article on the Commission to Reconstruct the Virginia and Truckee Railway:

6/11/09 Nevada Appeal: Millard New V&T Chairman

Here is a synthesis of the three-part comment I posted:

The article says, "But Millard might be inclined to agree with commissioners who want to not only build the railroad, but to operate the trains running on it."

This is a mis-characterization. Millard may do what it takes in the short term to run revenue trains for the public, and I support him fully in this goal. Imagine if the 395 extension around Carson City were in its current state, half-built, but it was still closed to traffic. That's what you have today with the V&T -- 37 million dollars spent on untested questionable assumptions and no public access.

Running trains for the public will finally make the V&T Commission face the test of demand. Of course the first few trains will be full. Next year, if a regular schedule can be achieved, we will finally see what the real demand for the "train to nowhere" is. If Millard proves to be a good leader, this will become a "train to somewhere."

Despite the one-liner in the Nevada Appeal article, Chairman Dwight Millard has a history of opposing John Tyson and Ron Allen's idea that the Commission should operate the trains directly.

Putting aside Tyson's dream of being the engineer, the Commission has shown ZERO marketing ability and has no operational experience with a real tourist or freight railroad. Tyson owns a private car and ran steam at the V&T and Nevada Northern. That's it, as far as I know. Allen runs a state-funded and state-maintained train around a short circle of track at the Carson City, Nevada State Railroad museum. They have zero experience marketing and selling a train to the public.

Millard has shown on many occasions that he wants nothing to do with operating trains long term. When it came to the birdcages (cars) stored so badly in Portola, after the Commission voted to get rid of them and Ron Allen sat on the issue for a year, Millard (jokingly) suggested blowing up the cars to get rid of them.

After saying they could be rid of the cars by "blowing them up" Millard suggested scrapping them or giving them away. He does not entertain foolish notions that after money was spent on an operator selection process they should go back on their own decision so John Tyson and Ron Allen can play engineer.

Millard is also the only business person on the Commission who understands the project. While Bonnie Weber can claim to be part of a Reno-based sign business, it's totally clear that she doesn't do her homework, doesn't understand the first thing about trains (she admits this publicly) and like other Commissioners doesn't have the dedication to the project to truly move it forward.

Millard does have the background, dedication and commitment. I hope things get much better. The first thing Millard can do is instruct the Commission attorney and staff member to meet their legal requirements in answering public records requests. Over time, there have been several requests I have made under Nevada law that have been ignored for months.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Steve's Excellent Notes of June 8 Meeting

No. 18 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

See noted posted on the Gold Hill Historical Society's website at

The only comment I have at this point is about the Northern Nevada Railway Foundation. They are going to sell t-shirts! Hooray, that ought to bring in about $10 million.

Also NNRF noted they are applying for private grants. IT'S ABOUT TIME, FIFTEEN YEARS LATER. I truly wish them the best ... but ...

The NNRF does not have the kind of track record or "auditability" to satisfy a private foundation donor, in my humble opinion. The Commission DOES have the track record of taking large gobs of money and spending them to build track.

So it remains a mystery to me why the Commission doesn't apply for grant funding, like they should have years ago. Instead they delegate this to the NNRF social club. Again, I wish them success, but they'd have much better chances if the Commission applied for grant funds instead of continuing the charade that the Northern Nevada Railroad Foundation is an effective fund-raiser. So goes politics.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Broken News Flash -- Impressions of June 8 Meeting

No. 17 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

Initial reports from the June 8 meeting of the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the Virginia and Truckee Railway are .....


Here's what I hear, and it's all based on hearsay, so don't quote me. I will review the meeting online in a few days and do a fuller writeup, or if someone else writes up some notes I will link to them. And on with the show!

-- The new Chairman is Dwight Millard, a local Carson City homebuilder and civic leader who has a clue and should be able to run the meetings well.
-- The new Vice-Chairman is Bob Crowell, total insider government lobbyist/lawyer type and current Mayor of Carson City, but a seemingly good guy who can't be "railroaded."

-- The discussion of the "disposition" of the #18 locomotive has been delayed until July 10, when the Commission will hold a morning workshop to take the time to really understand issues in-depth.

This is a good idea, because at the typical Commission meeting the Commissioners come in without doing their homework. Then, after a little triangulation from Bonnie Weber and other displays of ignorance, the Commissioners vote based on who spoke most eloquently. Hopefully the July 10 morning workshop will provide some needed education.

-- Then on the afternoon of July 10 a regular meeting will take place.

-- I'm not sure where this is going, but the Carson City Convention and Visitors Bureau will be assigned a track use agreement for running trains on Railfest in August, the track celebration and possibly more trains later in the year.

The main reason IMHO is because the negotiations between the Gray's REAL Virginia and Truckee Railroad and the Commission broke down. The Commission needs to run trains on the new tracks and for reasons unknown to me was unable to complete an agreement with the Gray's. It seems to me that the CCCVB will be a fresh face.

Also, previously, the Commission wanted the Grays to pay all maintenance but recently the Commission has been looking to bid maintenance out to another company. If the Gray's don't have to pay for all track maintenance just so they can run one train per month, they will be more likely to go for it.

-- Apparently the Commission is considering building a temporary depot near a water tank south of highway 50 between flint drive and highland way. More detail on that later, it's a bit sketchy.

-- They discussed more engineering work for phase 3 and 4 but I don't think they decided to go ahead yet.

Remember, this is all sketchy hearsay until I review the meeting myself in the next week.

Be here again next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel.

For now let me close with some philosophy. In this country we are seeing a new trend. Remember Rahm Emmanuel's comment, "never let a crisis go to waste." In their quest for socialism, we are seeing the government running companies and industries where they don't have a clue. Obama's cabinet and staff are nearly all academics with little real-world experience running a business. Think Geithner, who famously had to clarify in a hearing that he had no investment banking or any banking experience.

So it looks like as far as a government body spending lots of money with no operational clue about what they're doing, the V&T Commission has been way ahead of the curve.

Just think, years from now we'll be able to tell our kids, "After San Francisco and Berkeley, socialism came next to Carson City!" We should be so proud of our bleeding edge politicians for getting us in this mess! We love Senator Reid -- NOT!

June 8 Meeting to Discuss #18 Locomotive -- comments coming

No. 16 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles


I did not go to the June 8 meeting of the V&T Commission. Ignoring the mandate to meet in alternating locations, the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the Virginia and Truckee Railway met AGAIN in Carson City. I had other things to do this afternoon in Reno, so I missed the meeting.


Nevada State Law says they are supposed to rotate the meetings among Storey County, Douglas County, Washoe County, Lyon County and Carson City (a county). They did hold one meeting last year in Virginia City (Storey County), and there was supposed to be a meeting in Dayton (Lyon County) but that never happened. Some day they will follow the law and come to Reno.


Another reason not to go to these meetings is that this group of unaccountable unelected politicians, their staff and supporters are energy vampires who suck the money from the federal government as they suck the positive energy from anyone who comes near them. Just kidding?

So once the meeting is posted on Access Carson City's community TV channel website I will review the pertinent parts and post a report. Instead of the previous level of detail I plan to provide a summary.

Friday, June 5, 2009

$500K not from Vegas-Anaheim, package, instead from

No. 15 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

The $500,000 that Senator Reid was "nice enough" to send the V&T project didn't come from the Vegas to Anaheim high speed rail funding as a commenter had reported. Thanks to some digging by an associate, it turns out this $500,000 came from S. 3261 of 2008.

One of my other chief complaints about federal funding is that you have to be a detective to figure it out. Despite Obama's claims of transparency, thing have not gotten better. Admittedly this $500,000 done while Bush was still in, but it was done by a committee and Harry Reid in the Democratically controlled Congress.

If you search for V&T in this document you will see a little insight into how the federal funding mechanism works. When you look at that doc and do the V&T search, notice that a poorly managed tourist railroad project sits among a list of seemingly worth projects. Heck, I'll save you the search, here is the sub-category that the Virginia and Truckee Gravy Train was funded under:

(sorry about the formatting, the recommended dollar amounts are likely on the right side of your screen in the green area. I will work on this formatting...)

Project name                                                                                      Committeerecommendation 
146th Street Corridor Extension, Boone County, IN                                                                $500,000 
159th and US 69 Interchange Improvements, Overland Park, KS                                                     1,000,000 
2300 West Upgrade, 1900 South to 2100 North, UT                                                                 1,000,000 
5th and Market Street Transportation Improvements, PA                                                             500,000 
Advanced Bridge Safety Initiative, ME                                                                             500,000 
Anchor Lake Project, MS                                                                                         1,000,000 
Ann Arbor-Detroit Regional Rail Project, MI                                                                     1,000,000 
Artesia Road Bypass, MS                                                                                         1,000,000 
Barnes Crossing Road/Natchez Trace Parkway Bridge, MS                                                             500,000 
Bayside Promenade, ME                                                                                             800,000 
Bland Street Improvements, Bland, MO                                                                              300,000 
Bonneville/Clark One-Way Couplet, NV                                                                              500,000 
Bossier Parish Congestion Relief Plan, LA                                                                       1,000,000 
Bridge over Brandywine Creek, PA                                                                                  750,000 
Campus Loop Road Extension for St. John Fisher College, NY                                                        500,000 
Cesar Chavez Blvd/Calexico-West Port of Entry Congestion Improvements, CA                                       3,000,000 
City of Tuscaloosa Downtown Revitalization Project--University Blvd and Greensboro Avenue, AL                   4,000,000 
Cline Avenue Extension, East Chicago, IN                                                                        1,000,000 
Clinton Street Bridge Replacement, Fort Wayne, IN                                                                 500,000 
Coalfields Expressway, WV                                                                                       5,000,000 
Construction of Lafayette Interchange, MO                                                                       1,000,000 
Cumberland Parkway/US 41 Expansion, GA                                                                          1,000,000 
Decatur Downtown Streetscape Project, AL                                                                          350,000 
Delaware Avenue Bridge, IA                                                                                        500,000 
East Texas Higher Speed Rail Feasibility Study, TX                                                                300,000 
Edward T. Breathitt (Pennyrile) Parkway Completion Project, KY                                                  2,000,000 
El Camino East/West Corridor, Winfield, LA                                                                        500,000 
Establishment of Railroad Quiet Zones in the Town of Hamburg, NY                                                  500,000 
FM509 Extension, Harlingen, TX                                                                                    500,000 
Fort Drum Connector (I-81 to Fort Drum North Gate), NY                                                          1,000,000 
Freedom Road Transportation Improvement Project, PA                                                             1,750,000 
Gate and Intersection Improvements at Fort Lee, VA                                                              1,000,000 
Granite Falls Alternate Route, WA                                                                               2,500,000 
Great Miami Boulevard Extension, OH                                                                               500,000 
Harden Street Improvements--Phase II, SC                                                                        1,000,000 
Hastings Bridge, MN                                                                                             2,000,000 
Highway 100 Extension from Edgewood Road to Highway 30, Cedar Rapids, IA                                        1,000,000 
Highway 14-Waseca to Owatonna, MN                                                                               2,000,000 
Highway 75 Revitalization Project, AL                                                                             250,000 
Highway 9 Improvements, MS                                                                                      3,000,000 
Hudson River Waterfront Walkway, NJ                                                                               500,000 
I-10 New Orleans East Upgrades, LA                                                                                200,000 
I-12 Interchange at LA-16, Denham Springs, LA                                                                     750,000 
I-295/76/42 Direct Connection, NJ                                                                               3,000,000 
I-49 South, LA                                                                                                  2,000,000 
I-5 to Hwy. 99W Connector, OR                                                                                   3,000,000 
I-540 Interchange Improvements, Washington and Benton Counties, AR                                              2,000,000 
I-555 Access Road, Poinsett County, AR                                                                          2,000,000 
I-69, Shreveport, LA                                                                                            2,000,000 
I-69, TN                                                                                                          500,000 
I-69, TX                                                                                                          500,000 
I-93 Kalispell Bypass, MT                                                                                       3,000,000 
I-95 Interchange at SR 202 (Butler Blvd.), FL                                                                   1,000,000 
Improvements to the Route 60 Bridges over the James River, MO                                                   1,000,000 
Improvements to US Route 1 for access to York County Community College, ME                                        500,000 
Improvements to US-54, Seward County, KS                                                                        1,000,000 
Indian River Inlet Bridge, DE                                                                                   2,000,000 
Intersection Improvements on US 212 and US 81 and Improvements to US 81, SD                                     1,000,000 
Intersection Safety Improvements, Olympia Fields, IL                                                              500,000 
Interstate 430/630: Interchange Modification, AR                                                                3,000,000 
Interstate 69/Great River Bridge: Highway 65-MS Highway 1, AR                                                   3,000,000 
Isabel Swamp Road, Washington Parish, LA                                                                          450,000 
Joplin Downtown Revitalization, MO                                                                              1,000,000 
K-7 Corridor Study from 183rd St to 119th Street in Olathe, KS                                                    750,000 
King Coal Highway, WV                                                                                           5,000,000 
LA-1 Goldenmeadow to Port Fourchon, LA                                                                            650,000 
LA 28, Vernon Parish, LA                                                                                        2,000,000 
Lake Charles Riverfront Parkway Development Plan, LA                                                              250,000 
Lake Mead Parkway, Phase 2, NV                                                                                    250,000 
Little Bay Bridges/Spaulding Turnpike, NH                                                                       2,000,000 
Longfellow Bridge Approach Gateway, Cambridge, MA                                                               1,000,000 
Martha/I-76 Connection, OH                                                                                        500,000 
McKinley/Riverside Avenues Safety Improvement Project, Muncie, IN                                               1,000,000 
Melbourne International Access Road, FL                                                                         1,000,000 
Milwaukee Intermodal Station Improvements to Train Shed and Platforms, WI                                       1,500,000 
N.A. Sandifer Highway, MS                                                                                         315,000 
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, U.S. Route 4 Red List Bridge Repair, West Lebanon, NH               1,000,000 
New York State Route 12                                                                                           500,000 
Niagara Falls International Railway Station/Intermodal Transportation Center, NY                                  500,000 
Northside Drive, MS                                                                                             2,000,000 
Northwest Loop Access Road, Sandoval County, NM                                                                 1,000,000 
Page Extension Phase II, MO                                                                                     1,000,000 
Park Avenue Multi-Use Trail, ME                                                                                   800,000 
Pennsylvania High-Speed Maglev Development Program, PA                                                          1,000,000 
Peters Road Extension, Plaquemines Parish, LA                                                                     650,000 
Pinon Hills Boulevard East and Animas River Bridge, NM                                                          1,000,000 
Plaza del Sol Project, Village of Angel Fire, NM                                                                  350,000 
Port Industrial Road Improvement Project, WA                                                                    4,000,000 
Portsmouth Town Center Plan, RI                                                                                 1,000,000 
Reconstruction of Riverside Drive, CT                                                                           1,000,000 
Redesign and Reconstruction of I-235 and Kellogg Interchange, Wichita, KS                                         500,000 
Replacement of US-159 Bridge at Rulo, NE                                                                        1,200,000 
ReTrac Project Enhancements, Reno, NV                                                                             250,000 
Rickenbacker Intermodal East-West Connector, OH                                                                   300,000 
Road improvements on Powderhouse Road from SD 42 to Madison Street, Sioux Falls, SD                             3,000,000 
Route 1/Route 123 Interchange Improvements, VA                                                                  1,000,000 
Route 1 and Route 34 Connector, CT                                                                                500,000 
Route 150, MO                                                                                                   1,000,000 
Route 5 Improvements in Laclede and Camden Counties, MO                                                         1,000,000 
Salt Fork of the Red River Bridge Martha Crossing, OK                                                           1,500,000 
SE Connector, SE 6th Street to SE 14th Street (US 69), Des Moines, IA                                           1,500,000 
Shiloh Road, MT                                                                                                 5,000,000 
Slide Repair Work along US 60 in Eastern Kanawha County, WV                                                     5,000,000 
South Entrance Interchange at Mississippi State University, MS                                                  1,000,000 
Southwest Arterial, Dubuque, IA                                                                                 1,000,000 
St. John Medical Center--Broken Arrow Traffic Improvement, OK                                                     250,000 
Starkweather Creek Parkway Bike Path, WI                                                                        1,000,000 
State Route 317, between I-75 and Collegedale in Hamilton County, TN                                            1,000,000 
Steptoe Street Extension Project, WA                                                                            2,000,000 
TH 610 from US 169 to I-94, Maple Grove, MN                                                                     1,000,000 
TH-13/CR 5 Interchange, MN                                                                                      1,000,000 
Town of Clarkstown, New City Hamlet, NY to Revitalize South Main Street                                           500,000 
Town of Lexington United Traffic Plan--Phase I, SC                                                              1,000,000 
Town of Tamworth, Chocorua Village Safety Project, NH                                                             500,000 
Traffic Light--Piedmont Road and Edmond Road, OK                                                                  100,000 
Trinity River Vision Bridges, Fort Worth, TX                                                                    1,000,000 
US 101 Safety Improvements at Deer Park, WA                                                                       980,000 
US 12 Safety Improvements, WA                                                                                   3,000,000 
US 17 Widening, FL                                                                                              2,000,000 
US 2 Safety Improvements, WA                                                                                    2,000,000 
US Highway 30 Improvements, Whiteside County, IL                                                                  500,000 
US 61 Fort Madison Bypass Interchange at Highway J40, IA                                                        1,000,000 
US Highway 59 Safety Improvements, MN                                                                           1,000,000 
Urban Collector Road along I-10 North, MS                                                                       2,000,000 
US 169 Highway Widening Environmental Assessment, OK                                                            1,000,000 
US Route 64, TN                                                                                                 1,500,000 
US-191, Moab to Crescent Junction, UT                                                                           2,000,000 
US-69 in Bourbon, Crawford, and Cherokee Counties, KS                                                             750,000 
V&T Railway Reconstruction Project, NV                                                                            500,000 
Vermont Route 15 Improvements in Johnson and Essex Junction, VT                                                 3,000,000 
West Point Defense Facility Access Improvements, MS                                                             1,000,000 
West Virginia Route 10, WV                                                                                      5,000,000 
West Virginia Route 9, WV                                                                                       7,000,000 
Western Beltway Transportation Infrastructure Plan, MS                                                            500,000 
Western Kentucky University [WKU], University-Community Bikeway Project, KY                                     1,000,000 
Whiterock Sustainable Trail, Guthrie County, IA                                                                   400,000 
Zanesville State Street Bridge Renovation and Repair Project, OH                                                  500,000 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Taxpayer in New York and Kentucky, a Comment Zone

No. 14 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

This is a short post. If you've been reading this blog and the recent posts, you might see I have difficulty understanding why so many historical preservation groups look to the Federal Government as the first and primary source of funding.

Granted, it's because both Democrat and Republican Congresses have encouraged such behavior by allowing fed funds from ISTEA and TEA-21 grants to go to historical projects that have nothing to do with roads or public transporation. This is done under the explanation that road projects have plowed over historical sites and we need to amend for our sins by offsetting the damage of progress.

That being said, if someone could explain to me why the taxpayer in New York or Kentucky or Arkansas should pay for a tourist railroad that will mostly benefit Virginia City and Reno, maybe I'll go away. When the local population refused to vote in tax increases to pay for these projects, why do we then pick the pockets of out-of-state taxpayers?

I'm waiting...

V&T Didn't Get High-Speed Rail Funds, Commission Says...

No. 13 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

Well, our favorite commenter GPJoe has their facts wrong AGAIN!

GPJoe said, "'Jim from Reno' said $23 million was going to the project. Incorrect. Senator Reid was nice enough to send $500,000 to Northern Nevada in his Vegas to Anaheim railroad package. If it was $23 million it would finish the project and then some."

I am happy to report that according to the Nevada Commission to Reconstruct the Virginia and Truckee Railroad, they DID NOT get $500,000 of high speed rail funding.

I have to say, I know the history of this project better than some of the Commissioners, so having people comment with bad information doesn't help anyone.


I must call attention to something else I find shocking about this whole process involving Federal funds. I hear many people saying, "Senator 'Dingy' Harry Reid gave us this money." Look at what GPJoe says, "
Senator Reid was nice enough to send $500,000 to Northern Nevada in his Vegas to Anaheim railroad package."

When Harry Reid makes a donation out of his own pocket I will give him the credit. The truth is that the US taxpayer is providing the money with only the most indirect of representation in the process.

I think, psychologically speaking, it truly reveals the state of mind of a person who says, "Harry Reid gave us the money." This is the kind of person who sees federal taxpayer money as mailbox money or found money. It's decades of this type of thinking that has bloated the federal government well beyond the intention of the Constitution.


Now, about the claim that $23 million would finish the project "and then some." That's also not true. If you listened to Mayor Marv's presentation in the Nevada Legislature in 2005, he claimed that the total project costs were $28-35 million, just four years ago.

More recently the Commission and the Nevada Appeal float a number of $55 million. However, when Jim Wrinn of Trains magazine wrote the news article in Trains recently, the numbers added up to $64 million. When I have sat down with others and looked at the whole shopping list, based on previous price increases, the whole project could go over $70 million.

Since the Commission already has $37 million in funding, and is looking at another $23 million, that brings the total up to $60 million. It's not quite enough to hit the $64 million mark quoted in Trains Magazine, but if they cut their shopping list, they could complete the project.

But there would be no "and then some." People who don't understand my criticisms sometimes have not taken the time to read the actual budgets and look at the real costs. For example, fifteen years later, the Commission is just now figuring out what some of the Carson River Canyon land will cost.

It's no wonder they're never been able to provide a complete, accurate, honest budget. They just don't know. All they know is to keep working on the project piecemeal and hope more funding comes in to keep going. This is not a typical well-managed, well-planned government project.

Otherwise, why would someone who works on the project go in front of the Carson City Supervisors in 2005 and say, "almost all the financing is in place." The scary part, I think they believe their own BS.

Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous commenter not Todd Moore, it's GPJoe

No. 12 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

The person who made a misleading comment posted with their real name this time, it's GPJoe. I have decided to make this it's own post to show how the opposition will criticize Fox News for mixing things up but is willing to mix up the facts for their own purposes. The entire comment is at the end of this post, let's dissect it:

GPJoe said, "I do not argue the railroad will go BY the brothels. But the implication you made was the brothels were a DESTINATION. Why smear the image of a great project like this?"

What I said on Limbaugh's show is: "JIM: This is the funny part, this is the one, the first 3 million dollars that they fund is going to run the tracks past the brothels in Mound House, Nevada. This is the Red Light Express that they talked about on Fox News, they got it a little mixed up..."

So I didn't say what GPJoe claims and I can't control what Limbaugh says. In the previous comment GPJoe claims that indeed 500,000 of the high-speed rail funding is going to the V&T:
"'Jim from Reno' said $23 million was going to the project. Incorrect. Senator Reid was nice enough to send $500,000 to Northern Nevada in his Vegas to Anaheim railroad package. If it was $23 million it would finish the project and then some."

Well, thanks for posting that info! I didn't know that the V&T Recon, which will run at a top speed of 15, was qualified for high-speed rail funds! This is just another example of the why the stimulus bill is called the "porkulus" bill. GPJoe's comments actually vindicate Fox News, because it reveals a claim that indeed the LA to Vegas rail funding was diverted to a low speed tourist railroad.

Also GPJoe shows his/her ignorance of the project that he/she is unaware of the $3 million of ARRA funds coming to the project for the next phase that runs by the brothels, plus the fact that Bob Hadfield and Bob Crowell are speaking about another $20 million in stimulus funding as a virtual certainty. Bob Hadfield said the next $23 million could finish the project.

GPJoe claimed, "
I did some research into Senator Reid's proposal and talked with people who are part of the project."
They are not giving you very good information, why don't you watch some of the meetings online and obtain a recording of the mid-May budget meeting. Then maybe you'll have all the facts before you make false accusations. You say you're in the media, which reminds me of a saying well known to attorneys: "If the media gets it right 40% of the time they're doing pretty well!"

GPJoe says, "
Also your comment above proves information is posted before the facts are obtained."

This shows again how people like this want to criticize Fox News but are willing to mis-represent things when making their arguments. I made it clear that I was speculating that Todd Moore was the author. Todd similarly has used the argument that I have a personal grudge and that someone hurt my feelings. This ignores that this project is over-budget, breaks laws relating to good and open government, and is worthy of criticism. Rather than dealing head-on with my criticisms, GPJoe is like Todd Moore in that they rely on personal attacks and not facts.

Now in the comment GPJoe says the project is worth funding and says he/she will make a donation to the project. GREAT! I think the project is worth funding, too! This again is where a media-saavy person like GPJoe uses misdirection and not facts to support his or her case.

What I am against is relying on the federal taxpayer to fund a project that is so poorly managed. The Commission has delegated "fundraising" to a private group with no track record of effective fund-raising. While this private group, the Northern Nevada Railway Foundation, has been an effective lobbyist, neither they nor the Commission has ever been able to secure significant private funding.

The NNRF's great claim to fame is getting the Nevada Commission on Tourism to shift $1 million of taxpayer money to this ill-fated railroad project. That's lobbying, not fundraising. The Commission, according to Commissioners, has NEVER used a great tool like the Foundation Center to seek out private funding. Yet for years they called it a private-public partnership. If you ask them now, they say that federal funding limits them from allowing private investors in.

First, no private investor would step up to run such an over-sold and poorly managed project. Take, for example, the fact that nearly all other public works projects would acquire all the land they need before laying one track or spike. Instead, the V&T Commission still faces the task of acquiring land in the Carson River Canyon. If they had been like other public project and had used their first funding to acquire land, the overall costs would have been greatly reduced.

There are so many other real problems with this project that GPJoe must be either totally ignorant of the details or willingly be deceiving the readers. Which is it? Finally, I have to give GPJoe credit, I hope he/she has many millions of dollars to donate.

Here's the entire comment,

I do not argue the railroad will go BY the brothels. But the implication you made was the brothels were a DESTINATION. Why smear the image of a great project like this?

Also your comment above proves information is posted before the facts are obtained. My name is neither Todd nor Moore and I certainly don't live in LA or anywhere in California. I really didn't care to be the subject of your attacks like you have Todd Moore, Ron Allen and others so I did post anonymous at first. I was hoping to have a factual discussion of the issues. Being in the media I try to have an open mind and research both sides of an issue. After doing so I am still convinced this is a project worthy of funding. But it is not possible to have this kind of discussion if one side refuses to look at other facts.

Too bad you didn't put this much effort into supporting something instead of tearing a good thing down.

But, again, I do thank you for reminding me of the project so I can financially support it and encourage others in the industries I work in (media and Internet) to do the same. Promoting it on our web sites that have an Alexa ranking of around 39,000 (instead of 20,000,000) should be a benefit to the project.

My final comment, I'm glad that GPJoe has a high site ranking and FIFTEEN YEARS LATER is now finally going to seek private funding for the V&T. I feel like in a small way I have accomplished something, even if it's TOO LITTLE TOO LATE!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Red Light Express -- Photo showing train near brothels

No. 11 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles


Since a commenter lied about the location of the V&T, I thought I'd show a photo I took last year. You can see the project map at Here's a small photo where I am standing on the roadbed for the Virginia and Truckee Reconstruction project, and you can clearly see brothels, uh, whorehouses for you in Rio Linda:

Here is a link to a full size image

So now you can all see the truth, the brothels south of Highway 50 in Mound House, Nevada are clearly visibile from the new right of way. It's interesting to note that these brothels were built on (correction, near) the original Virginia and Truckee Roadbed that was abandoned in 1938. There is a history marker to see that talks about the old Pony Express route, just drive off Highway 50 to the south where the whorehouses are.

Since I don't attend services at the brothels, I am not sure which is which. I think the Moonlight Bunny Ranch is north of Highway 50 in Mound House, Nevada. These brothels, visible from the goverment run reconstructed Virginia and Truckee Railway, might be the Kit Kat Ranch and another one.

Feel free to stop in and find out for yourself!

No more anonymous comments, here's why

No. 10 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

I tried to keep it open. Then after I told the truth on Limbaugh's show, an anonymous commenter lied about the project. I went ahead and posted the comment with my response.

From now on, if you want to comment, perhaps having to attach your name to it will keep you honest. It only takes one liar to screw it up for everyone, sorry!

Jim Lohse from Reno

Rush Limbaugh on Virginia and Truckee Reconstruction

No. 9 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

Here's a transcript of the call I made to Rush Limbaugh today. I am trying to get permission to post the audio clip of the call:

RUSH: Jim from Reno, great to have you on the EIB network, hello.

JIM: Well it's really an honor to speak with you and a pleasure to speak with Snerdley. (the call screener)

RUSH: Thank you.

JIM: I'm calling to tell you about Nevada's first stimulus project to be funded.* It is a tourist railroad. Even though we already have a privately run tourist railroad in Virginia City, who has never taken a dime of public money, these guys are giving Harry Reid the credit. The government Commission to build a competing tourist railroad are giving Reid the credit for bringing 23 million dollars of highway funds to what I guess should be a public transporation project. But the tickets are going to cost about 50 bucks, so, we're calling this the railroad to nowhere...

RUSH: That's what I was going to ask you, where is this tourist train going to go?

JIM: This is the funny part, this is the one, the first 3 million dollars that they fund is going to run the tracks past the brothels in Mound House, Nevada. This is the Red Light Express that they talked about on Fox News, they got it a little mixed up...

Click this link for a full size photo

RUSH: You mean the stimulus bill ... this might be some of the best stimulus money spent! They're going to build a tourist train past a bunch of whorehouses!

JIM: Yeah, if we can use the word whorehouses, that's what they're going to do. You see, they build the whorehouses on the original right-of-way... they have to run around it.

RUSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah, Ponderosa, Virginia City, now we're talkin!

JIM: Oh, this is really fantastic, and here's the funny part. When this project was first proposed, the entire budget was sold at 20 million dollars. Well now they're up to 65 or 70 million, so this 23 million is supposedly going to finish the project. So then they're going to really face the test, because they claim 135,000 people a year will ride this...

RUSH: Aw, no, that's way low. Once these people figure out there's a train that rides right past the brothels...

JIM: You got a point, man.

RUSH: 135,000, that's low, man!

JIM: Can you imagine taking your son on this train and he looks up at you and asks, "Daddy, what's a brothel?"


RUSH: Aw, no, no, no, that's, ummmm ... the kids will know that before the father knows it ... unless they're from Port St. Lucie ... especially if they're from Port St. Lucie or Rio Linda**

JIM: Well these days that's true, unfortunately. That's the first stimulus project that's actually going to go out to bid here in Nevada. We're so proud of Harry Reid!

RUSH: You ought'ta be ... this is something that the people of Nevada can be really proud of. A tourist train to the whorehouses ... (laughing) ... first stimulus package, I tell you, I am dreaming this show.


* NOTE: After speaking to NDOT, this is NOT the first project to be funded, but V&T Re-con Chairman Bob Hadfield made this claim at a mid-May budget meeting, so I feel comfortable repeating it.

Actually the first stimulus funds into Nevada were probably unemployment and Medicaid funds. But this IS one of the first "infrastructure" projects.

** For those who don't know, Rush Limbaugh regularly makes fun of people in Rio Linda near Sacramento, CA. There's more history to it, but Rush used to be a host in Sacramento, CA. I don't know when he added Port St. Lucie, FL to his repertoire. Often when he uses a complicated word, they then simplifies it and says "for you all in Rio Linda"

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

V&T Serving Public Transportation Needs?

No. 8 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles

This post gets into the nitty-gritty of how Federal funds designed for serving the transportation needs of the general public get siphoned off into historic preservation projects that have nothing to do with public transporation or roadways. As a disclaimer, and to set the theme, I must explain that I love history, railroad history and especially Virginia and Truckee Railroad history. The problem is that historic groups have learned how to feed at the public trough to the exclusion of doing real fundraising work.

Here is a list of documents from the NDOT website needed to follow the paper-trail:

1) State of Nevada Department of Transportation American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Homepage
2) Contact Info and List of Nevada State Transportation Board of Directors, including Governor Gibbons
3) NDOT Transportation Enhancement Program (the V&T Re-con is classified as an "enhancement")
4) List of ARRA/stimulus Projects Funded by NDOT (showing V&T initial funding under stimulus)
5) Transportation Enhancement Program Application (showing eligibility rules)
6) (added 6/4/09) STTAC -- Statewide Transportation Technical Advisory Committee

Here's the whole story...


As we all know, shortly after President Obama took office the Congress passed the stimulus act largely on party lines. The only Republicans who voted for stimulus in the Senate were Arlen Specter, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. Of course, Specter famously jumped ship to the Democrat party in May, 2009 after this vote.

Republicans like Dean Heller point out that by providing such a massive amount of money through government, some of it will be misallocated. Government managed money also gets to market more slowly than private stimulus like tax cuts or tax credits. While Obama says the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act creates jobs, he forgets to mention that the jobs are going to be short term.

We are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to create temporary work. Let's look at how this happens in the project to reconstruct the Virginia and Truckee Railroad.


I have spent a lot of time giving specific details about this project on this Virginia and Truckee Reconstruction blog and at the website where I provide detailed reports of the 2008 meetings and shenanigans of the Nevada Commission to Reconstruct the Virginia and Truckee Railway. You can also find Virginia and Truckee Reconstruction news at the Nevada Appeal website. I and others have written many letters to the editor and the Appeal has many articles written over the years. Various searches on the Appeal website for "V&T", "railroad" or "Virginia and Truckee" will provide results.


Before I dive into the detail, it's worth mentioning that the Virginia and Truckee Railway, the Northern Nevada Railway Foundation, and the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the Virginia and Truckee Railway are all part of a government project to build a tourist railroad from Gold Hill, Nevada to Carson City, Nevada.

For 34 years a private company, the Virginia and Truckee Railroad, has run a tourist railroad without government subsidy. Known as the REAL Virginia and Truckee Railroad, they have operated trains out of Virginia City, Nevada without any government money for decades. If you want to ride a train in Virginia City TODAY check out the V&T.


The government (mis-)managed Virginia and Truckee Railway project has stumbled along for fifteen years since the enabling law was passed in 1993. For years the state was willing to provide matching grants if the Commission simply could have raised money as promised. Various plans were touted and failed, so in 2003 the state of Nevada withdrew their offer to provide matching funds.

More recently, the Commission has learned how to use federal taxpayer money to build the project. Since the budget has grown from $20 million to over $60 million, this project always needs more money. In 2005 $10 million of federal highway funds were diverted to this "transportation project." In 2008 the project failed to convince local voters to provide more money, so they went back to the Federal trough. With the passage of ARRA/stimulus/porkulus, the project has received a new lease on life. They are slated to receive $3 million of stimulus funding.


The problem is that the Department of Transportation (DOT) distributes money through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for projects that meet the following criteria (from page 3 of the application for funds):

  • "The transportation mode must be open to the general public and serve a transportation need for the general public."

So when someone can tell me how a tourist railroad meets this criteria I will retire. Here's another excerpt from the Nevada Department of Transportation homepage:

  • "Project must be on roads normally eligible for federal transportation funds"
So when someone can tell me what road is being enhanced, I will retire. The fact is that no public transportation problem is being solved by building this tourist railroad. The train will take one or two hours to travel from Carson City to Virginia City. A car can make the same trip in 20 minutes, and there is bus service from Carson City to Virginia City.

Clearly a tourist railroad that plans to charge $40-50 per trip is not meeting public transportation needs on a 17-mile trip. In fact this trip goes out of its way through the Carson River Canyon, while the car trip is about ten miles.


(ADDED 6/04/2009 to explain the long process by which the Nevada Department of Transportation Board of Directors approved the ARRA/NDOT/DOT/FHWA funding list for stimulus projects)

If you're still reading this then I admire you. To truly understand these projects you have to slog through a huge amount of history, detail, bureaucracy and political process. Now I have to introduce the cast of characters:

NDOT Board
NDOT Staff
Senate Transportation Committee
Assembly Transportation Committee
STTAC -- Statewide Transportation Technical Advisory Committee

Supposedly all these boards, committees and groups had a hand in putting together the ARRA/NDOT stimulus list of projects that included the initial $3 million of stimulus funding for the Virginia and Truckee Reconstruction project. So far none of these groups has taken specific credit for putting the V&T on the list. I am still looking into this process and when I get the answer I will make a new post.

Notice the in the list above there is a group called STACC. That last one is interesting, STTAC, the Statewide Transportation Technical Advisory Committee, is a group of stakeholders including:

Nevada State Parks Division
Federal Highway Administration
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada
Federal Transit Administration
Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Nevada State Historic Preservation Office
Bureau of Land Management
Department of Public Safety - Office of Traffic Safety
Nevada Commission on Economic Development
Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
Nevada Commission on Tourism
Washoe County Regional Transportation Commission
Nevada Division of State Lands
Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization
Nevada State Energy Office
Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Highway Users Federation
Nevada Association of Counties
Other Nevada Counties and Incorporated Cities
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Nevada Department of Transportation
Nevada Motor Transport
Nevada Bicycle Advisory Board
City of Henderson
Nevada Aviation Technical Advisory Committee
City of Las Vegas
Advisory Committee for Transit
City of North Las Vegas
Washoe County
City of Reno Clark County

There, did you get all that? When I figure out who specifically got the V&T funding on the final list, I'll let you know.