Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dwight Millard "Numb" on cars stored in Portola

No. 25 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles


As noted in the previous post, Ron Allen is on those cars in Portola like a bitin' hog!

Apparently during the all-day workshop, someone offered to pay the lease fees for the decrepit passenger cars stored in Portola, so the Commission could ignore it's two previous votes and avoid selling the cars after all.

Dwight Millard, in introducing the agenda item, said, "I'm numb on the issue, I don't care." What leadership! After previously pushing hard to get rid of the rusting natural outhouses, Ron Allen has succeeded in beating down Dwight Millard. Dwight has previously been strong on getting rid of the cars, even to the point of talking about scrapping them or "blowing them up."

Now our new Fearless Leader, Chairman Dwight Millard, has indicated "I'm numb on the issue, I don't care." When you wonder why I say the Commission changes it's mind every time it turns around, this is one example why.

Then it came up that some company called Timber Heritage had indicated their willingness to pay $2000 per car for a total of $10,000. Ken Dorr indicated that it was just an indication, not a solid offer. It does go to show how the Commission has overpaid for the cars, with $50,000 into them by now.

Then Ken Dorr said he told the Timber Heritage people that the Commission would have to follow a process of putting out an RFP and get a full vote of the Commission. It was funny, on camera you could see Mike Rowe give him a funny look, but not say anything.

If there was a need for an RFP, don't you think this would have been brought up during the TWO previous decisions to sell the cars? This is all covered in the previous post, so I will move on.

Then Commissioner Larry McPhereson asked if the cars were currently in a place where potential buyers could look at them, or it they should be moved to Reno. Ron Allen said something funny, in fact he almost told the truth. He said because they don't have a gang problem in Portola the cars were not likely to have grafitti on them. He did say that the occasional bum may sleep in them, but characterized that as a "no harm no foul" situation.

Now I don't want to be gross, but some of those bums that have slept in the cars have bared their bums and done their "morning duty" in the cars. On top of animal feces in the car, you have worse things to consider.

Then Ron Allen put the rest to another lie without realizing it. In response to Larry McPhereson's idea that the cars be moved to Reno, Ron Allen said it would be best to move them all the way to Carson City. First, he said, you would still have to pay rent in Reno.

SECOND, Ron said the cars would have to be trucked to Reno, because they can't run on the rails. But the cars came to Portola ON THE RAILS! So by inference, by doing nothing to maintain the cars over the last few years, they have degraded to the point where they can't run on the rails any more. Wasn't John Tyson just telling us two months ago that the car's trucks were in perfect shape?

Now Bonnie Weber pipes up. Two months ago she suggested that the cars could be used in a parade!!!!! Now she says it's time to move on. She said she was surprised that even the Gray's (REAL) Virginia and Truckee Railroad didn't want the cars.

Well, DUH! Considering that the Gray's just acquired two cars last year that were in much better shape from the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, WI, and those cars have clerestory windows and open platforms, and those cars weren't filled with poor, the windows were intact and the seats were in good shape ...

Why on earth would the Gray's possible want cars that are too heavy, don't look right, and will cost $186,000 per car to refurb, at a minimum. I can't disclose the exact details but the cost of the two cars plus transport from Wisconsin plus refurbishing was significantly less than the $186,000 Ron Allen want to spend on just one of the cars in Portola. I'm just going to have to say it straight, Bonnie Weber has no clue!

So in the end, the Commission voted FOR THE THIRD TIME to get rid of all five cars stored in Portola.

Trust me, this isn't the end of it.

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