Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tyson Wants More Cars for $74,000!!!

No. 26 -- VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILWAY -- Nevada Railroad Reconstruction Chronicles


Just on the heels of the Commission voting the THIRD TIME to get Ron Allen to get off his ass and sell the decrepit birdcages in Portola, John Tyson wants to take $50,000 from the Carson City Board of Realtors and add in another $24,000 from the Commission to purchase two historic Delaware and Lackawanna cars. The cars, according to John, are $17,000 each, plus $20,000 each to transport them from the east to Nevada.

This might make more sense, the cars are similar to the cars the Grays have (the recent acquisitions) and most of the cost will be paid by a private party. Sounds good so far, let's see where this one goes...

During the conversation, the price dropped. When Tyson first mentioned these cars, he said seventeen thousand each plus transport. Then he dropped the price to $15,000 each. What a deal!

A long discussion ensued where Janice Ayres of the Northern Nevada Railway Foundation stomped her feet saying that the donation was restricted and she doesn't want to get sued. Stephen Lincoln, saying he didn't speak for the Realtors Assocation, spoke for them and told the commission to do what they thought was right.

Then when it came time to vote on acquiring these cars, Janice Ayres piped up again and said the donated money wasn't just to buy a car, it was to buy a dinner car! They are scrambling just to run regular trains, the Dinner Train idea goes back to 1994 and has never been properly fleshed out. The Dinner Train was intended to run from Drako way, through the canyon and back to Drako without going all the way up the hill. Since the Commission has apparently abandoned the idea of building through the canyon for at least many years into the future, if they buy a dinner car it will be a stationary dinner car!

I wish to mention at this point that during this meeting, I think they must have served booze for lunch. Everyone was punchy after an all day meeting, and they KEPT FORGETTING TO TURN ON THEIR MICROPHONES! Much of this meeting was not recorded well by ACCTV, making it frustrating to turn up the volume. In addition, the podium was missing from the room so none of the audience comments came through clearly. More professionalism and concern for laying down a public record-- not! I should also mention, I didn't see the clerk-recorder there to make minutes. She may have been there but was never seen on camera. Dwight Millard was sitting in her seat.


Then Bonnie Weber asked what the hurry was to buy these cars. John Tyson, in typical Tyson-Allen fashion, said someone else might buy them first. These guys always like to invent demand when it suits them. John then said, "you know that old saying, the road to hell is paved with lost opportunity."

Actually, John, you really showed your ignorance there. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Maybe if the Commission understood the real "road to hell" saying they would run better? Probably not.

I'm going to continue this in the next newer post, this story really takes a twist here...

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